Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Story in the Star

I finally scanned the Indianapolis Star article with photos and graphics of the story of 2/20/2010. Thanks again to Bobby King.

I posted the articles on Dropbox in four pieces, the best I could do with my scanner size here at home. Thanks to those who asked to see the photos and graphics.

I've also started a blog of our research on the McWilliamses of Limestone County, AL, and I'll post that update soon.

Here are the links:

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, this story is so 'alive'! I can't wait to read on as it unfolds. And, it calls me to dig into my family history - in that all previous attempts have led to "shhhhhh". My father and his seven siblings were all born on different "places", as their parents were share croppers in rural Mississippi. The stories bound to be there will open a rainbow of color! I'm excited.


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