Today -- Friday, which, by the way, by just being Friday is probably significant to these coming thoughts -- we had a meeting. I came away feeling like we just left the playground, and one of the kids projectile-vomited all over me. I'm going to be sure I sit far away from her in all future meetings. It's so messy.
Another thought after the meeting was an appeal to my training. I wanted to say, "You know that anti-depressant you're taking? I don't think you're getting a therapeutic dose."
Two things have happened this week to cause me to think I need to keep looking for my vocation here in Indianapolis. First, I went to the web site of my former employer. I was so depressed to see what they're doing now, even more than when I decided to leave. It's hard to see a place in which I invested so many years taking such a turn "to the dark side." I was so relieved to get out of there. I should not have gone to the web site, but if I ever need a reminder that I made the right decision, I'll know where to look. I don't need a reason -- here's why:

... my precious family. Sister of my Darlin', my Darlin', and moi at the last RCA Dome game for the Colts, January 13, 2008, the ill-fated playoff game. The enemy of my enemy is my friend: Go Giants!
Secondly, today's meeting. Here's a chapter title or maybe an epigraph for one of the chapters in a book I'm going to write about my adventures in academe: If the faculty did not create it, it does not exist. It's a variation on, "The Emperor Has No Clothes."
So, here's the meme challenge:
1. Someone plays the peacemaker, the one who wants everyone to get along and play nice.
2. Someone plays the bully, the one who knocks you down and takes your lunch money.
3. Someone plays the sneak, the passive aggressive one who sets you up for a fall.
4. Someone plays the saboteur; just when you thought the game was almost over, this one picks up the ball and goes home, or changes the rules, or kicks you in the shin.
5. Someone plays the cry-baby, the one who wants everyone to play her way and let her win.
How is your workplace like the sandbox in pre-school?