This is me, IndyAnne, on the right.

On a private blog, I recorded our service of covenant that we celebrated with extended family and friends at the Outer Banks of North Carolina, July 22, 2007. That was the spiritual and symbolic seal of our covenant. The legal part that most resembles marriage are the contracts we have for our home's deed, life insurance, and things like that. Maybe one day the politics will settle down and we can have the same rights as other adults who love each other, want to be joined in the civil part of marriage that offers the protections that we have to pay extra for now.
The private blog is much more romantic about our love, our beautiful rings, and how wonderful the whole thing was. This blog is much more about politics, and a place to extend contentious conversations out into the universe. When I put these kinds of rants on the private blog, it felt much too heavy. Perhaps this blog will be a better location for these heavier and sometimes very painful conversations and reflections. I say "conversation" because I do invite dialogue.
The next post will be about some issues that came up around our service.